Friday, January 12, 2007

The Perfect Place Quiz

The journey has begun. My first stop, I'm about to embark on a "fun quiz" which will help me better understand where my true hometown is. I'll let you know how it goes...

The link is located under the links section of this BLOG.

The Perfect Place

My fiancé and I are a family now. Lucy Pearl joined us on the 25th of October last year. And now we are thinking about relocating to that perfect place. Exactly where is this perfect place? Good question. Sophie and I would like a place where Lucy could grow up enjoying nature. Mountains and an ocean nearby would be ideal. The town wouldn't be large and it wouldn't be small but somewhere in between. Preferably it would be a college town or there would be one nearby; we want that lust for knowledge vibe in the air. And last but definitely not least this perfect place would be occupied by a small art community. Does such a perfect place exist? This blog is setting out to find out!